Heaven has a place on earth

Weddings as we all know can be incredibly emotional. For many, morning preparations can signify traditions that brides ( and grooms ) dream about fulfilling. First looks, getting into the dress, walking down the aisle, the heartfelt speeches. There are so many parts of the day that are considered 'highlights' it's no surprise that they are often considered to be one of the most monumental and precious milestones that one would share with family and friends. This being said, it's not always rainbows and smiles. Having suffered the loss of someone you love so dearly can and does result in fears and overwhelming sadness that a seat you so desperately want filled will be empty. So much so, we know of people who have avoided getting married because the pain of not having their loved one present is a weight to heavy to bear. Grief is so personal and we respect and value everyone's views and choices on what they feel is right for them. We are however, here today to hopefully give you a different outlook and narrative on ways to bring your little piece of heaven into your special day and in fact feel physically close and comforted by their alternative presence.

  1. Memorial Jewellery

Dean and Sammie have been through so much together that getting married really was the icing on the cake. The joy and happiness, Ultimate highs and endless celebrations - but with highs also come the lows, painful sadness and unimaginable loss. Together, hand in hand they have supported one another through it all. When Sammie wanted to find a way of including her belated father in law as part of their day she specifically wanted Dean to feel close to him. Dean and his Dad had an incredible bond and relationship and he would have undoubtedly been stood by Deans side in every moment leading up to the wedding and beyond. Well, I say he would have, as he still was. Sammie with permission from Deans mum had ashes made into cufflinks. It was the most beautiful, emotional and wonderful surprise gift and tribute and Dean was overwhelmed with comfort and love. A moment we will certainly not forget.

  1. Handwritten messages

A little piece of heaven found its way onto Sadie's dress. Over the magical treasured years Sadie shared with her Dad on earth she received many handwritten cards. Woven in delicate thread and sewn as a patch to her dress her kind, beautiful Mum put together a little message that she knew her Dad would have wanted her to pass on. Taken from his own handwriting " Forever your Dad". An emotional, personal and beautiful surprise which allowed the bride to feel his presence with every single step she took down the aisle where she met the love of her life. Consider personalising anything with handwriting. Handwriting is so underrated. Our gorgeous bride Lorraine also had her Dad's handwriting on bouquet ribbon. There wasn't a dry eye in sight. There are many shops online which can impersonate or replicate written words. From patches like Sadie's to handkerchiefs. There isn't much you can't do these days. We always encourage people to shop small and support little buisnesses. You could visit your local seamstress or an online alternative is a small business we found on Etsy - WildhoneyUK . They do so many stunning gifts using personal handwriting which we are a HUGE fan of. Check them out by clicking here.

  1. Raise a glass

A simple yet powerful tribute to those who can't be there to celebrate in person. "The first toast and mention is dedicated to those looking down on us who we miss every day but especially today. Don't forget the beauty of words.

  1. Memory table

When someone means so much to so many, it seems right to have a place where people can go to remember, laugh and cry together. Zarah created the most beautiful space which allowed people to see and feel her Dad's presence. It was placed in a subtle spot which meant as you came into the celebration room and left it, you had a moment where you felt like he really was apart of the joy and fun. We especially loved the customised print of Zarah and her Dad with angel wings for a perfect keepsake.

  1. Balloon as place setting

A way in which guests can recognise and remember someone who isn't present is by there being a visual reminder. What better what that a white balloon on a string on white feathers. Rosie made a beautiful testament to how her mum's love lifts her higher by putting a balloon in place of her chair. It was powerful yet a graceful way of having her mum as apart of her special day.

  1. Charity pins as favours

Wedding favours have become increasingly popular. A way of giving your guests a personal keepsake for your day..from little plants to candles. Many weddings holding over 60+ guests can find this act of generosity becomes costly . Why not use that money and donate it to charity? Some people just have a sign stating that a donation has been made in their name near the seating plan but other couples have provided their guests with charity pins relative to the charity close to their hearts. There is something really warming about each guest putting their badge on and in turn remembering the person that the said charity indirectly supports. Katie and Ad did a stunning tribute to Katies little brother. She had little silver dove pins that were a delicate and subtle reminder that he was incredibly loved and missed. It was especially emotional seeing her surprise her Dad with this tribute and personally have a moment with him placing it on his jacket at their first look. Life is about these beautiful little moments and we are so grateful to be apart of so many.

  1. Photographs and candles

Photographs are our return ticket to a moment otherwise gone. We say it all the time but they really are so special - probably why we are so passionate about what we do and the moments we capture. A way in which we often see people remember their angels is by sharing their favourite photos of them. It could be on a table with candles and a little sign or it could be on the chair they would have been sat on. It's a really lovely way to mark their memory and celebrate their life on your special day.

  1. Bouquet Charms

Not many words are needed for these. Elegant, subtle, delicate, beautiful and heart felt and affordable. We particularly love the way photographs can be added. These are so adaptable. Different lengths, styles, colours.. the options are endless. If you are reading this blog and you aren't a bride or groom but are merely intrigued - this also makes a wonderful wedding gift and one again that can be passed down from generation to generation.

  1. 'Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue'

We all know the poem and what way better to bring in something special. We often have brides with something gifted to them from their late parents or grandparents as part of their details. Whether it be in the form of earrings or a brooch, a piece of fabric woven around a button hole like James or a recycled wedding dress redesigned and upholstered into your own dress. We have seen it all and it is magic!

  1. Recreate an old photograph

Charlotte wanted to include a special moment between her grandparents by recreating one of their wedding pictures with her own groom and love of her life. It was the most beautiful gift to be able to give them this special moment to look back on. Check out old wedding albums of relatives you love - Is there a shot you love that you could recreate?


  1. A place of significance

Sometimes there are places that hold huge significance to us. A place that allows us to feel close and brings back lots of fond and wonderful memories when we visit. We have had many couples choose to have their ceremony in a church that their late parents or grandparents had got married in and we think it's such a beautiful tradition that could keep going for generations if openly celebrated. How amazing would that be!! Tom and Katie decided to get married in a church that held great meaning to them, along with Adrian and Anna. Our beautiful bride Tina actually visited the resting place and put flowers on the memorial bench in-between the ceremony and reception. We took some beautiful photographs there and yellow roses were left and laid in place. Geographically this option isn't always plausible so consider recycling your table flowers or bouquet by visiting grave sides or resting places the next day. Take a picnic ( or a hot choc if its winter ) and talk to your loved one all about your day. Some prefer to have a separate time to reflect and remember.

"Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday"